Data privacy

Information on the processing of your personal data within the employment relationship at HelloFresh SE


We are delighted that you applied for a position at HelloFresh. Transparency and a trustful handling of your personal data are an important basis for a good cooperation. We, therefore, inform you about how we process your data and how you can exercise your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The following information will give you an overview of the collection and processing of your personal data in connection with the recruitment process in our company. The information may vary depending on the job position.

1. Who is responsible for the processing?

HelloFresh SE
Prinzenstraße 89
10969 Berlin

2. How can I contact the data protection officer?

You can reach our data protection officer (DPO) as follows:

Prinzenstraße 89
10969 Berlin


3. Which personal data do we use?
We process your personal data as far as it is necessary for carrying out the recruitment process.
General Data:
  • Name, surname, address, birthday and place, nationality, job position
  • Application (cover letter, CV, former activities, qualifications)
  • Certificates of employment
  • Login-data (e-mail, password)
Special information based on the specific job
  • Police clearance certificate
  • Results of a screening test
  • Results of a medical examination (suitable, not suitable, conditionally/restrictedly suitable)

Other data
  • Publicly available job data, such as a profile in social media networks
  • Voluntary data, such as photos, indications regarding a disability or other data voluntarily provided during the recruitment process
4. From which sources does the data come?

We process personal data that we receive from you during the recruitment process. Furthermore, we may process data obtained from publicly available sources, such as social media networks.

5. For what purposes do we process your data and on what legal basis? 

We process your personal data in particular in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) as well as all other relevant laws.

5.1. Data processing for employment purposes (§ 26 para. 1 BDSG)

Personal data of applicants may be processed for purposes of the recruitment process if such processing is necessary for the decision to enter into an employment relationship with the applicant.
The requirement of the data processing as well as the extent of such processing may vary according to the open job position. If your desired job at HelloFresh brings about the handling of confidential tasks, an intensified personal or economical responsibility or is linked to specific health requirements, a more in-depth data processing may be required. In order to limit its impact, such intensified data processing is carried out after the conclusion of the recruitment process immediately preceding the entering into an employment relationship.

5.2. Data processing on the basis of a consent given by you (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR, § 26 para. 2 BDSG)

If you have given us your voluntary consent to the collection, processing or transfer of certain personal data, then this consent forms the legal basis for the processing of this data.

In the following cases we process your personal data on the basis of your consent:

  • Integration into the applicants pool, i.e. we store your application data beyond the recruitment process for potential future offerings
5.3. On the basis of a legitimate interest of the controller (Art. 6 para.1 lit. f GDPR) 

In certain cases we process your data to protect our legitimate interests or that of third parties, e.g. for:

Data comparison with EU anti-terrorist lists in accordance with Regulations (EC) No. 2580/2001 and 881/2002 for the purpose of combating terrorism and/or within the framework of AEO certification (Authorised Economic Operator). As a company, EU law obliges us to play our part in the fight against terrorism. No funds may be made available to persons and organisations on the terrorist lists (provision prohibition). We are also obliged to carry out this comparison for the AEO certificate as an "authorised economic operator".
6. To whom will your data be passed on to?

Your data will be processed mainly by our human resources department and the department responsible for the respective processing purpose. In some cases, however, other internal and external bodies are also involved in the processing of your data.
Internal departments:
  • HR
  • Heads of Departments
Companies of the HelloFresh-Group
HelloFresh SE, Berlin
External Services Providers:
  • Service provider for recruitment management services
  • Service provider for hosting and maintenance services
  • Service provider for file and data destruction
  • Investigation authorities

7. Will your data be transferred to countries outside the European Union (so-called third countries)?

Countries outside the European Union (and the European Economic Area "EEA") handle the protection of personal data differently from countries within the European Union. We also use service providers located in third countries outside the European Union, in particular the U.S, to process your data. We have, therefore, taken special measures to ensure that your data is processed as securely in such third countries as within the European Union. That means that we have concluded the so-called standard clauses provided by the Commission of the European Union for service providers in third countries. These clauses provide appropriate guarantees for the protection of your data for service providers in third countries.

8. For how long do we store your data?

We store your data as long as it is necessary for the conclusion of the recruitment process. If an employment relationship is not established between you and us we may store your personal data for purposes of preservation of evidence to protect against possible legal claims. Generally, we delete your personal data within a time period of twelve months following the conclusion of the recruitment process.

If no employment relationship is established between you and us, we may store your personal data for a longer period if you have given us the consent to store your data for purposes of our applicants pool, however, in any event no longer than for a period three years. 

9. What rights do you have in connection with the processing of your data?

Every data subject has the right of access under Article 15 GDPR, the right to rectification under Article 16 GDPR, the right to erasure under Article 17 GDPR, the right to restriction of processing under Article 18 GDPR, the right to object under Article 21 GDPR and the right to data portability under Article 20 GDPR. The restrictions according to §§ 34 and 35 BDSG apply to the right of access and the right of erasure.

9.1. Right to Object

What right do you have in the event of data processing for legitimate or public interest?
Pursuant to Art. 21 para. 1 GDPR, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you on the basis of Art. 6 para.1 lit. e GDPR (data processing in the public interest) or Article 6 para.1 lit. f GDPR (data processing to protect a legitimate interest), this also applies to profiling based on this provision.
In the event of your objection, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can prove compelling grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend against legal claims.

9.2. Revocation of consent

You can revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. Please note that the revocation is only valid for the future.

9.3. Further rights

In addition, you have the right to have your data corrected or deleted. If there is no reason for further storage, we will delete your data, otherwise we will restrict processing. You may also request that we provide all personal information that you have provided to us in a structured, current and machine-readable format either to you or to a person or company of your choice.

In addition, there is a right to lodge a complaint to the responsible data protection supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR in conjunction with § 19 BDSG).

9.4. Assertion of your rights

To exercise your rights, you can contact the controller or the data protection officer ( We will process your enquiries immediately and in accordance with legal requirements and inform you of the measures we have taken.

10. Is there an obligation to provide your personal data?

There is neither a legal nor a contractual requirement to provide your personal data. However, the making available of your personal data is required in order to carry out the recruitment process. That means that if you do not provide your personal data we cannot consider your application.

11. Changes to this information

If the purpose or manner of processing your personal data changes significantly, we will update this information in time and inform you about the changes.