Hallo, Germany

HelloFresh Germany in a nutshell

Number of employees

1780 employees and growing


1 HQ in Berlin, 2 Production Sites and 8 Last Mile Hubs

Number of nationalities

95 nationalities


Finance, People, Growth, Brand & Coms, Product, Data & Process Excellence, Customer Retention, Strategic Initiatives, Marketing, Exectuive Team, New Product Development, Strategy and Expansion, and Tech.

Check out our leaders in the kitchen

Featuring Bjöern Kuse, MD & CMO of HelloFresh, as he unfolds the incredible success story dating back to 2011. Watch as he shares insights about HelloFresh's journey, taking you back to where it all began—in the dynamic DACH region. Discover how the  entrepreneurial atmosphere, egoless environment, and data-driven strategies significantly contributed to the company's growth. See what egg-dish Bjöern whisks up as you learn more about our DACH operations.
Guten Appetit!
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HelloFresh DACH Culture & Top Application Tips

Nathalie Steidl, Talent Acquisition Lead, shares her perspective on HelloFresh DACH's unique culture, as well as her top application tips. As the business has been operating in this region for over a decade, Nathalie highlights how this wouldn't have happened with curious minds, eager to drive change and create an impact. 
Discover more in the full blog post!

Our #FreshTeam in Germany

Meet Jeferson Moura, Senior Backend Engineer

HelloFresh culture in 3 words? 
Fun, challenging, collaborative.

How would you describe your HelloFresh journey up until here?

Since moving to HelloFresh 1 year ago I've been lucky to work with some very fantastic people who encouraged me to be confident in how I stood up for my ideas. I've had the opportunity to learn a lot from my colleagues and also contribute to different projects.

What would you say to someone considering a career at HelloFresh?
If you want to be part of an international, dynamic, and fast-paced company, you shouldn't wait any longer and apply to HelloFresh now!

What is your favourite thing about working at HelloFresh?
Everybody is open and available for helping. Opportunity to challenge the status quo, grow, and learn a lot.

Your favourite HelloFresh recipe? 
Actually have two because I love chickpeas: Gigantes Plaki and Tajine mit Aubergine, Aprikose & Kichererbsen

Meet Theresia Baier, Junior Business Intelligence Analyst

HelloFresh culture in 3 words? 
Encouraging, supporting and open.

How would you describe your HelloFresh journey up until here?
It’s been quite a ride with lots of changes. But right from the start people trusted in me and enabled me to go out of my comfort zone. The opportunities I was given allowed me to quickly grow professionally. I could not have wished for a better first job after my studies.

What would you say to someone considering a career at HelloFresh?
Go for it. This is your place to learn and grow and have an impact, no matter which level you are on. Prepare to be challenged but also enjoy flexible working hours and lots of HelloFresh food.

What is your favourite thing about working at HelloFresh?
The Data Chapter - working together cross-functionally with other analysts, supporting each other and having people who are always up for a joke.

Your favourite HelloFresh recipe? 
- Vegetarian: Pfannkuchen-Auflauf mit Frischkäse-Spinat-Füllung und Tomatensoße - you need to try this, it is incredibly delicious!
- Vegan: Spicy Sticky Tofu! dazu Kokos-Limetten-Reis - the marinated tofu tastes really good.

Meet Amanda Norder, Product Manager

HelloFresh culture in 3 words?
Open, entrepreneurial and very fresh!

How would you describe your HelloFresh journey up until here?
Eventful! After 1.5 years, I have already been exposed to so many parts of our company. The learning curve has been steep, the pace quick and getting to know so many smart, motivated and very fun colleagues along the way is a real privilege. I think there are only few environments that allow for the development I’ve experienced here.

What would you say to someone considering a career at HelloFresh?
Apply Now! :) But also, do your research, reflect on what drives you, where do you want to grow, and why do you think you’d be a perfect fit for a young, dynamic and entrepreneurial company? Remember, you are interviewing us as much as we are interviewing you. Good luck and feel free to reach out!

What is your favourite thing about working at HelloFresh?
The People & the Topics! Being part of the Product Team, I get to be part of bringing our product to new heights, unlock new customer demands and drive highly cross-functional projects. I often end up working on topics that no one has ever worked on before! We want to revolutionise the way people eat, forever, and it requires a lot of innovativeness to change the food industry and help customers develop more sustainable food habits. It’s really exciting!

Your favourite HelloFresh recipe? 
Vegetarischer Wellington auf Pastinaken-Maronen-Püree – one of our Christmas special recipes! I love learning new, simple tricks in the kitchen but also getting surprised by the innovations coming from our very talented Recipe Development Team!

Meet Marco Münsterberg, SeniorTalent Acquisition Manager

HelloFresh culture in 3 words? 
Appreciative, open and collegial.

How would you describe your HelloFresh journey up until here?
I have been working at HelloFresh in the Verden production site since November 2021. My exciting and interesting field of activity as a Senior Talent Acquisition Manager offers me a versatile range of tasks with a lot of opportunities to shape and influence in an internationally active company. I am always looking for the daily challenge to push myself and my way of working to a new level.

What would you say to someone considering a career at HelloFresh?
Have the courage and apply! Become part of a unique and very special company.

What is your favourite thing about working at HelloFresh?
Operating at a high professional level, as well as working with my Talent Acquisition team.

Your favourite HelloFresh recipe? 
Carnitas! Pulled pork stuffed tacos with tomato salsa and avocado.

Open roles in Germany

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Come and join us!

HelloFresh is on a mission to change the way people eat, forever!

Since our 2011 founding in Europe’s vibrant tech hub, Berlin, we’ve become the world's leading meal kit provider, delivering to over 4.2 million households worldwide in more than 15 countries across 3 continents. 

Our more than 15,000 employees from over 70+ nationalities are the heart and soul of our diverse, fast-paced and dynamic environment where innovation and smart, fast action is encouraged. 

We will encourage you to make an immediate impact in your area of work as well as empower you to grow your career with us.

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